Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Light, Human Vision, and Color Spaces
HDR Pipeline
- Acquisition of HDR Content
- HDR Content Storing
- Native Visualization
Tone Mapping
- TMO MATLAB Framework
- Global Operators
- Local Operators
- Frequency-based/Gradient Domain Operators
- Segmentation Operators
- Summary
New Trends in Tone Mapping
- A General Approach to Tone Mapping
- Color Management in Tone Mapping
- Local Operators
- Summary
Video Tone Mapping
- Temporal Artifact
- HDR Videos MATLAB Framework
- Global Temporal Methods
- Temporal Local Methods
- Real-Time HDR Video Tone Mapping
- Summary
- Expansion Operators for Low Dynamic Range Content
- Linearization of the Signal using a Single Image
- Decontouring Models for High Contrast Displays
- EO MATLAB Framework
- Global Models
- Classification Models
- Expand Map Models
- User Based Models: HDR Hallucination
- Summary
- Image-based Lighting
- Environment Map
- Rendering with IBL
- Summary
- HDR Images Compression
- HDR Compression MATLAB Framework
- HDR Image Compression
- HDR Texture Compression
- Summary
- HDR Video Compression
- Perception-Motivated High Dynamic Range Video Encoding
- Backward Compatible HDR-MPEG
- Rate-Distortion Optimized Compression
- Temporally Coherent Luminance-to-Luma Mapping
- Optimizing a Tone Mapping Curve for Encoding
- Perceptual Quantizer
- Hybrid Log Gamma
- Other Methods
- Summary
- Metrics
- Experimental Evaluation Overview
- Experimental Evaluation of Tone Mapping
- Experimental Evaluation of Expansion Operators
- HDR Compression Evaluation
- Summary
- The Bilateral Filter
- Practical Color Spaces
- A Brief Overview of the Matlab HDR Toolbox