Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
    1. Light, Human Vision, and Color Spaces
  2. HDR Pipeline
    1. Acquisition of HDR Content
    2. HDR Content Storing
    3. Native Visualization
  3. Tone Mapping
    1. TMO MATLAB Framework
    2. Global Operators
    3. Local Operators
    4. Frequency-based/Gradient Domain Operators
    5. Segmentation Operators
    6. Summary
  4. New Trends in Tone Mapping
    1. A General Approach to Tone Mapping
    2. Color Management in Tone Mapping
    3. Local Operators
    4. Summary
  5. Video Tone Mapping
    1. Temporal Artifact
    2. HDR Videos MATLAB Framework
    3. Global Temporal Methods
    4. Temporal Local Methods
    5. Real-Time HDR Video Tone Mapping
    6. Summary
  6. Expansion Operators for Low Dynamic Range Content
    1. Linearization of the Signal using a Single Image
    2. Decontouring Models for High Contrast Displays
    3. EO MATLAB Framework
    4. Global Models
    5. Classification Models
    6. Expand Map Models
    7. User Based Models: HDR Hallucination
    8. Summary
  7. Image-based Lighting
    1. Environment Map
    2. Rendering with IBL
    3. Summary
  8. HDR Images Compression
    1. HDR Compression MATLAB Framework
    2. HDR Image Compression
    3. HDR Texture Compression
    4. Summary
  9. HDR Video Compression
    1. Perception-Motivated High Dynamic Range Video Encoding
    2. Backward Compatible HDR-MPEG
    3. Rate-Distortion Optimized Compression
    4. Temporally Coherent Luminance-to-Luma Mapping
    5. Optimizing a Tone Mapping Curve for Encoding
    6. Perceptual Quantizer
    7. Hybrid Log Gamma
    8. Other Methods
    9. Summary
  10. Evaluation
    1. Metrics
    2. Experimental Evaluation Overview
    3. Experimental Evaluation of Tone Mapping
    4. Experimental Evaluation of Expansion Operators
    5. HDR Compression Evaluation
    6. Summary
  1. The Bilateral Filter
  2. Practical Color Spaces
  3. A Brief Overview of the Matlab HDR Toolbox